Frequently Asked Questions

Got a burning question? Take a look at our FAQs below, if you can't find what you're looking for - give us a shout!


Everything you need to know about Synergy live band

We'll assist you every step of way with perfect advice & support

We will work with you to help you through the key aspects of creating a playlist, choosing the wedding ceremony music, first dance, selecting your lively or subtle reception drinks music, playing a relaxed back ground set during your meal and providing you with high quality evening entertainment – whether that be a disco with iPod service, or our lively evening set to get people on the dance floor!

We provide couples with a complete stress-free service. For couples who would prefer, we can manage the wedding music for the entire day.

Let us keep you in the loop

We regularly put on public events for people to watch us play live. If you want us to let you know when we're playing next, or for any offers and news, use the subscribe form below and we'll keep you updated. We promise not to spam you!